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Type of Guild

Frist of all we are NOT a pk guild are more like a pkk guild we kill other pks. Sorry to all you pk fans out there that were planning on joining this guild and were thinking it was a pk guild. If you are a pk i wouldn't adive you to be around the area where some U*K members are for they will go after you if they hear a complaint and you are grey!

Well with all that in mind I would also like to say that we are a normal guild. We are not a chaos nor order guild. What are these types of guild well a normal guild can basicly do what they want they can declare war on people whatever they want. A chaos guild is a evil guild where they are most of the time a pk guild and they get strong shields that do 32 armor which would be nice. A order guild is a guild that is good and basicly works for Britain which they are usually a good guild where they fight pks. Order also gets a strong shield but not as strong as the Chaos which is 32 theres is 30. These 2 guild that Chaos and Order are always fighting each other no guild in like Chaos can declare peace on a Order guild and it is the other way around too. So no matter what they are always fight and they can fighting town so if you are in one of these Order or Chaos guild well then you have no place to hide.

The U*K is a adventuring guild which means we like to explore and see new things. We are always looking for something to kill and like the spawning grounds and the dungeons. If you like to stay behind and do ther stuff like mine or blacksmith that is fine to. We would love to have a few of those guys for they are great when we lose our armor and we need a new one. Well that basicly sums in up for the type of guild we are. Hope you like the way we are and want to join us.



Well frist of all we would prefer someone that is over 75 in a skills. If you have 75 in something like swords well then you will have 75 in tac which would be great. I know some people are like WoW that high of skills just to join. Well It is not very hard to get 75 in a skills. One of my friends is a prime example for he has almost reached that ponit in about a week from scratch so he is doing pretty good. But After you reach 75 in a skill it is harder then all hell to raise your skills some. Another one of my friends says it takes him 5 hours just to raise his skills .1 and that is a long time but another thing is that he is almost GM so that is probably why.

We would also prefer if you were not a total newbie but if you have reached 75 in a skills well then you should have a pretty good hang on the game to know how to get around. Sorry for all you newbies that are looking for a guild that trains newbies. We like to Adventure and kill things instead of wasting half of our time train newbies sorry but it is true. But we do not mind training some people who are still sort of like a newbie but know stuff like how to use skills and rasie them. But if you are a Total newbie then keep looking around for I know there is some guilds out there that are happy to train begginers.

How to Join

The best way and fastest way is to locate one of our current members and we will tell you if our Guild Master is online. If he is, he will be the one who will let you join not us. Don't think you can come up to a member ask to join and you are in it must go through our guild master. Soon i am thinking of putting up a form page but then it takes awhile to join becuase we have to locate you and then you have to meet up with our guild master which all takes time which I don't think you want to wait like a week to join. When i was frist starting out i went to home pages asked to join some guilds and after about the 3rd day I gave up on them for I don't like to wait!